So you think you can trust wine judges

So you think you can trust wine judges. A look at the table below and the erratic performance of judges at wine shows might change your mind.

We list all the 2021 Shiraz wines that won a gold medal at a capital city wine show last year.

Note the wines that won gold at one show and did not even get a bronze at another one. It’s got to make you wonder at the point of it all. Which verdict should be believed.

And spare a thought for Jim Barry Wines. They won more golds than any other producer but in Melbourne the best these multi-golds only managed was bronzes. Madness.

And if you want the list to help you find real value then note the De Borttoli Windy Peak Shiraz 2021 which wone Gold at the National Wine Show in Canberra. $11.99 a bottle at Dan Murphy’s when I looked.

ALDI StoresBlackstone Paddock Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$17.99 AldiBlackstone Paddock Shiraz 2021 84Sydney
Bleasdale VineyardsBleasdale Bremerview Shiraz 202195GoldCanberra
$22Bleasdale Bremerview Shiraz 202190SilverBrisbane
Bleasdale Bremerview Shiraz 202193SiverSydney
Brokenwood WinesRayner Vineyard Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$43.99 DM
Casella Family BrandsPeter Lehmann Portrait Shiraz 2021 95GoldMelbourne
$16.99 DMPeter Lehmann Portrait Shiraz 202191SilverSydney
Peter Lehmann Portrait Shiraz 202190SilverBrisbane
Peter Lehmann Portrait Shiraz 202188BronzeNational
Peter Lehmann Portrait Shiraz 202187BronzeAdelaide
Casella Family BrandsPeter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 2021GoldPerth
$22.99 DMPeter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 202190SilverMelbourne
Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 202188BronzeAdelaide
Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 202185BronzeBrisbane
CherubinoPedestal Margaret River Shiraz 2021 96GoldSydney
$27.99 DMPedestal Margaret River Shiraz 2021 95GoldMelbourne
Pedestal Margaret River Shiraz 2021 90SilverNational
Pedestal Margaret River Shiraz 2021 90SilverAdelaide
Pedestal Margaret River Shiraz 2021 BronzePerth
De Bortoli WinesDBWS Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
DBWS Shiraz 202191SilverSydney
DBWS Shiraz 202190SilverAdelaide
DBWS Shiraz 202190SilverMelbourne
DBWS Shiraz 2021BronzePerth
De Bortoli WinesWindy Peak Shiraz 202195GoldNational
$11.99 DM
De Bortoli WinesYarra Valley Single Vineyard A8 Syrah 202195GoldNational
$54.95 CDYarra Valley Single Vineyard A8 Syrah, 2021<85Melbourne
Devil’s Cave VineyardDevils Cave Vineyard Shiraz 2021 95GoldSydney
$35.99Devils Cave Vineyard Shiraz 202193SilverBrisbane
Devils Cave Vineyard Shiraz 202188BronzeNational
Devils Cave Vineyard Shiraz 202186BronzeAdelaide
Devils Cave Vineyard Shiraz 2021<85Melbourne
Dural WinesAustralia Saint & Scholar Graduates Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$17.49 DM
Gala Estate VineyardBlack label ‘emerald’ Syrah 202195GoldBrisbane
$70 GEV
Halls Gap Wine CoFallen Giants Black Range Vineyard Shiraz 202196GoldMelbourne
$22.49 DM
Jim Barry WinesBarry and Sons Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
Barry and Sons Shiraz 202195GoldAdelaide
Barry and Sons Shiraz 202188BronzeMelbourne
Jim Barry WinesJim Barry Expressions Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
Jim Barry Expressions Shiraz 202195GoldAdelaide
Jim Barry Expressions Shiraz 202195GoldSydney
Jim Barry Expressions Shiraz 2021SilverPerth
Jim Barry Expressions Shiraz 202185BronzeMelbourne
Jim Barry WinesJim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 2021 96GoldAdelaide
$24.90 DM
Jim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 202195GoldNational
Jim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 202195GoldSydney
Jim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 2021GoldPerth
Jim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 202190SilverBrisbane
Jim Barry Lodge Hill Shiraz 202188BronzeMelbourne
Jim Barry WinesJim Barry The Forger 202195GoldAdelaide
$29 DMJim Barry The Forger 2021SilverPerth
Jim Barry The Forger 202185BronzeMelbourne
Kirrihill WinesRegional Series Clare Shiraz 202195GoldNational
$16.99 DMRegional Series Clare Shiraz 202189BronzeBrisbane
Regional Series Clare Shiraz 202186BronzeSydney
Lake Breeze WinesBull Ant Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$13.99Bull Ant Shiraz 202185BronzeAdelaide
Bull Ant Shiraz 202185BronzeMelbourne
Bull Ant Shiraz 202184Sydney
Longview VineyardMacclesfield Syrah 2021 95GoldSydney
$45 CDMacclesfield Syrah 202191SilverBrisbane
Macclesfield Syrah 202190SilverAdelaide
Macclesfield Syrah 202188BronzeNational
Macclesfield Syrah 2021BronzePerth
McPherson WinesDon’t tell Gary Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$24 CDDon’t tell Gary Shiraz 202195GoldMelbourne
Don’t tell Gary Shiraz 2021GoldPerth
Don’t tell Gary Shiraz 202188BronzeAdelaide
Nugan EstateNugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2021 95GoldBrisbane
$29 CDNugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2021 95GoldMelbourne
Nugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2021 95GoldSydney
Nugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2021 88BronzeAdelaide
Nugan Estate McLaren Parish Shiraz 2021 BronzePerth
Orlando WinesOrlando Centenary Hill Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$74.99 DMOrlando Centenary Hill Shiraz 202191SilverMelbourne
Pannell EnotecaS.C.Pannell Merrivale Shiraz 202195GoldMelbourne
Paulett WinesPauletts Clare Valley Shiraz 2021 95GoldMelbourne
$20.99 DMPauletts Clare Valley Shiraz 2021 88BronzeAdelaide
Pauletts Clare Valley Shiraz 2021 84Sydney
Petaluma WinesPetaluma B & V Adelaide Hills Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$45.99 DMPetaluma B & V Adelaide Hills Shiraz 2021 88BronzeSydney
Pinnacle DrinksBare Bones Great Western Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$14.99 DMBare Bones Great Western Shiraz 2021 90SilverMelbourne
Bare Bones Great Western Shiraz 2021 SilverPerth
Bare Bones Great Western Shiraz 2021 89BronzeBrisbane
Bare Bones Great Western Shiraz 202188BronzeSydney
Pinnacle DrinksCat Amongst the Pigeons Fat Cat Barossa Shiraz 2021 95GoldSydney
$19.95Cat Amongst the Pigeons Fat Cat Barossa Shiraz 202192SilverBrisbane
Cat Amongst the Pigeons Fat Cat Barossa Shiraz 2021SilverPerth
Cat Amongst the Pigeons Fat Cat Barossa Shiraz 202187BronzeAdelaide
Pinnacle DrinksCold Snap Victorian Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$14.99 DMCold Snap Victorian Shiraz 202192SilverAdelaide
Cold Snap Victorian Shiraz 2021SilverPerth
Saint & ScholarSaint & Scholar Graduates Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$17.49Saint & Scholar Graduates Shiraz 202186BronzeSydney
Seville EstateSeville Estate Shiraz95GoldBrisbane
$60 CD
Skillogalee WinesSkillogalee Shiraz 2021 95GoldMelbourne
$28.99 DMSkillogalee Shiraz 2021 90SilverSydney
Skillogalee Shiraz 2021 85BronzeAdelaide
St Hugo WinesSt Hugo Barossa Shiraz 2021GoldPerth
$47.99 DMSt Hugo Barossa Shiraz 202193SilverBrisbane
St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 202190SilverAdelaide
St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 202190SilverSydney
St Hugo Barossa Shiraz 202190SilverMelbourne
Sutton Grange WinerySutton Grange Estate Syrah 2021 96GoldAdelaide
$65 CDSutton Grange Estate Syrah 2021 88BronzeBrisbane
Sutton Grange Estate Syrah 2021 83Sydney
Swings & RoundaboutsBrash Road Syrah 202196GoldMelbourne
$42 CDBrash Road Syrah 2021SilverPerth
Brash Road Syrah 202182Sydney
Taylors WinesTaylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$23.80 DMTaylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 2021SilverPerth
Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 202187BronzeMelbourne
Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 202186BronzeAdelaide
The Lane VineyardReunion Syrah 202196GoldBrisbane
$70 CDReunion Syrah 202196GoldMelbourne
Reunion Syrah 202187BronzeSydney
Turkey Flat VineyardsTurkey Flat Butchers Block Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$26 DMTurkey Flat Butchers Block Shiraz 2021 88BronzeBrisbane
Turkey Flat Butchers Block Shiraz 2021 88BronzeMelbourne
Turkey Flat Butchers Block Shiraz 2021 84Sydney
Tyrrells VineyardsLunatiq Heathcote Shiraz 2021 95GoldAdelaide
$35.99 DMLunatiq Heathcote Shiraz 2021 87BronzeMelbourne
Wynns Coonawarra EstateWynns Black Label Shiraz 202195GoldBrisbane
$29.95Wynns Black Label Shiraz 202193SilverAdelaide
Yarra YeringYarra Yering Underhill 2021 96GoldAdelaide
$109.99 DMYarra Yering Underhill 2021 95GoldMelbourne
Yarra Yering Underhill 202190SilverBrisbane
Price details: DM is Dan Murphy price, CD is cellar door price, other prices taken from Google

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