Great Names in Australian Wine History

Australian wine history

Keeping alive some of the great names in Australian wine history is a pleasant part of the the role of Glug Wines as a wine merchant. We think it is a shame that so many of the foundation companies that made our industry have disappeared. Pioneers like P.B. Burgoyne, Oakley Adams, Auld and Burton and the Tanunda vignerons S.W. Sage and Cleland and Company deserve to be remembered. We have resurrected their brand names to pay a grateful homage.

Oakley Adams Eden Calley Chardonnay
Oakley Adams Eden Calley Chardonnay
P.B.Burgoyne & Co
Auld and Burton Label
Reviving the heritage Auld and Burton label

These are the kind of people of wine referred to in W.B.Boake’s The Production of Wine in Australia published in London in 1890 that originally made our country’s wine famous:

The Australian winegrower is unsophisticated in the art of adulteration. Let us be thankful that
it is so. He simply puts forth a pure wine and nothing else and if a connoisseur tells him they do
not like his wine, it has too much spirit, or it is not like the French or Rhein wines, he can only
beg pardon and tell you he does not ‘make’ he simply ‘grows’ it, and without admitting that it is
less agreeable has less bouquet or is inferior to what you have been used to drinking he invites
you to partake of the pure juice of the grape, and if it is too strong for you then take less, or add
water to it before drinking, which will bring out the natural bouquet that is characteristic of
Australian wines

Glug is steadily adding to Australian wine history with a growing number of vintage releases bearing these famous names. Take a glance at the list of our brands.

The Wine Industry of Australia 1788 1979 provides an interesting short history of the industry.

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