Borderland Estates

The wines of Borderland Estates are sourced from wineries across South Australia, Victoria ansNew South Wales. They are blended and bottled in the Barossa Valley. The Borderlands represent the vast area of country that is west of the coastal cities. It covers the wine regions of the Murray Valley across to the Mount Lofty ranges. The emphasis is on wines with rich, full flavours and a strong varietal definition.

There are three sub-names used on Border Estates labels – Bush Telegraph, Flocking Galloots and Tumbleweeds.

Tumbleweed front label
Tumbleweed front label
Tumbleweed back label
Tumbleweed back label
Flying Galloot Front label
Flying Galloot Front label
Flying Galloot back label
Flying Galloot back label
Bush Telegraph front label
Bush Telegraph front label
Bush Telegraph back label
Bush Telegraph back label

Borderland Estates wine releases

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